Rental Selfborne Large
what the rental includes
Maximum duration of rental 12h
A custom layout in size 10-15cm or 5-15cm
Sharing pictures by Mail - Facebook - Twitter (wifi needed or wifi selfborne option at 30€)
Make an online photo gallery available within 24 hours your event
400 impressions in 10/15 cm or 800 impressions 5/15 cm during Selfborne rental
Preparation and development of the terminal in our premises
Delivery and recovery of the Selfborne included in a radius of 30 km around Orp-Jauche.
what the rental does not include
Inflatable photo booth cabin for more privacy when shooting.
Screen or projector of the photo gallery in real time of your event. (This option includes the wifi option). The screen or the project must be within 30 m of the terminal, if th distance is longer, additional wifi supplement is necessary.
Rent a disguise box with glasses, hats, wigs, photo booth props.
Additional charge for the delivery and removal of the selfborne beyond 30km. These fees are 0,75€/km.